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刘俊志 (Dr. Liu Jun-Zhi)
Ph.D. in Structural Engineering (博士)
邮箱:jun-zhi.liu@bnu.edu.cn; jun-zhi.liu@connect.polyu.hk
教育背景 (Education background)
香港理工大学The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
结构工程专业(QS: 2020-2024年均排名全球前15),博士学位
导师: Tak-Ming Chan教授(目前就职香港大学), Ben Young教授
荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 Delft University of Technology
结构工程专业,(QS: 2020-2024年均排名全球前5),硕士学位,
导师:Frans. S.K. Bijlaard教授, J. Wardenier教授
中国海洋大学(2009.09 – 2013.06),土木工程专业,学士学位
工作经历 (Working experience)
2024.07 – now Beijing Normal University, Associate Professor
2022.07 – 2024.07 Beijing Normal University, Lecturer
2022.07 – 2022.11 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Post-doctoral Fellow
香港理工大学,博士后 (合作导师:Tak-Ming Chan;Ben Young)
2016.09 – 2019.09 Beijing Institute of Technology(Zhuhai campus), Lecturer
科研项目 (Research Projects)
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:“考虑焊接热循环及冷弯效应的Q690高强钢六边形管相贯节点承载性能研究”, 30万, 主持。
北京理工大学珠海学院校科研基金 (XK-2016-13):“螺旋焊缝钢管成型残余应力及初始几何缺陷对抗弯性能的影响” , 3万,主持。
广东省重点平台和重大科研项目 (2016KTSCX171):建筑钢结构残余应力超声无损检测与原位调控技术的应用研究,参与。
研究兴趣 (Research interests)
1. 方向一:海洋重要基础设施防灾与全寿命可靠度设计
2. 方向二:高性能结构助力国家“双碳”目标,实现循环经济(circular economy)
3. 方向三:城市韧性智能防灾机理与应急技术
4. 方向四:模块化结构(MIC) and 3d打印与数字孪生(digital twin)
论文与著作 (Publications)
近三年来发表论文40余篇,其中以第一作者发表 20余篇SCI期刊论文,均发表于《Thin-Walled Structures》(中科院1区top, JCR Q1)《Engineering Structures》(中科院1区top,JCR Q1)和《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》(中科院2区, JCR Q1) 等工程力学/结构工程领域的国际著名高水平顶级期刊,主要代表性SCI期刊论文如下:
J-Z. Liu, S. Chen, T.-M. Chan, Testing, numerical modelling and design of Q690 high-strength steel welded T-section stub columns, Engineering Structures. 259 (2022) 114142. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
J-Z. Liu, H. Fang, T.M. Chan, Investigations on material properties and residual stresses in cold-formed high strength steel irregular hexagonal hollow sections, Thin-Walled Structures. 175 (2022) 109220. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
J-Z. Liu, S. Chen, T.-M. Chan, Experimental and numerical investigations of hybrid high-strength steel welded T-section stub columns with Q690 flange and Q460 web, Thin-Walled Structures. 177 (2022) 109403. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
J-Z. Liu, H. Fang, T.-M. Chan, Experimental and numerical investigations on stub column behaviour of cold-formed high strength steel irregular octagonal hollow sections, Thin-Walled Structures. (2022). 109770. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
J-Z. Liu, H. Fang, T.-M. Chan, Structural behaviour of high strength steel hexagonal hollow section stub columns under axial compression, Engineering Structures. (2022)114653. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
J-Z. Liu, S. Chen, T.-M. Chan, Hybrid welded T-section stub columns with Q690 flange and Q355 web: Testing, modelling and design, Engineering Structures. 274(2022)115142. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
J.-Z. Liu, H. Fang, T.M. Chan, Numerical investigation on local buckling behaviour of cold-formed high strength steel irregular hexagonal hollow section stub columns. Thin-Walled Structures.185(2023)110571. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
J-Z. Liu, H. Fang, J. Guo, S. Li, T.M. Chan, Numerical investigation and design for the local buckling behaviour of high strength steel hexagonal hollow section stub columns under axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures. 186(2023)110717. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
J-Z. Liu, S. Li, J. Guo, S. Xue, S. Chen, L. Wang, Y. Zhou, T. X. Luo. Machine learning (ML) based models for predicting the ultimate bending moment resistance of high strength steel welded I-section beam under bending, Thin-Walled Structures. 191 (2023) 111051. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
S. Chen, J-Z. Liu #(唯一通讯作者), T.-M. Chan, Buckling behaviour of high strength steel and hybrid I-sections under axial compression: Numerical modelling and design, Thin-Walled Structures. 191 (2023). 111079. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
S. Chen, J-Z. Liu #(唯一通讯作者), T.-M. Chan, Design method for cross-section behaviour of hybrid I-girders under uniform bending. Thin-Walled Structures. 200(2024). 111847. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
J-Z. Liu, H. Fang, T.M. Chan, Experimental investigation on material properties and residual stresses in cold- formed high strength steel irregular octagonal hollow sections, Journal of Construction Steel Research. 191 (2022) 107170. 中科院二区/JCR Q1
J-Z. Liu, H. Fang, S. Chen, T.-M. Chan, Material properties and residual stresses of high strength steel hexagonal hollow sections, Journal of Construction Steel Research. 190 (2022) 107061. 中科院二区/JCR Q1
J-Z. Liu, S. Chen, T.-M. Chan, Experimental investigations on material properties and stub column behaviour of high strength steel irregular hexagonal hollow sections, Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 195 (2022) 107343. 中科院二区/JCR Q1
S. Chen, J-Z. Liu, T.-M. Chan. Local buckling behavior of hybrid steel I-sections under uniform bending: moment-rotation characteristic. Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE). 150 (2024) 04024063. JCR Q2
J-Z. Liu, T.-M. Chan, Ben Young, Cross-section behaviour of cold-formed high strength steel irregular hexagonal hollow section stub columns under combined compression and bending, Advances in Structural Engineering. 26(2023)12. JCR Q2
S. Chen, J-Z. Liu, T.-M. Chan, Material properties and residual stresses of the welded high strength steel and hybrid I-sections, Engineering Structures. 276(2023) 115293. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
S. Chen, J-Z. Liu, T.-M. Chan, Investigations into the local buckling and post-buckling behaviour of fixed- ended hybrid I-section stub columns with slender web, Thin-Walled Structures. 184(2023)110174. 中科院一区top/JCR Q1
会议论文 (Conference papers)
J-Z. Liu, J. Guo, S. Li, T.-M. Chan, Experimental investigation for concrete-filled high strength steel hexagonal tubular stub columns under axial compression. In proceedings of 18th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, ISTS18, Beijing, China.
J-Z. Liu, S. Chen, T.-M. Chan, Machine learning based models for predicting the ultimate bending resistance of high strength steel welded I-section beam under bending. In proceedings of 13th Pacific Structural Steel Conference, PSSC13, Chengdu, China.
J-Z. Liu, S. Chen, T.-M. Chan, Experimental and numerical investigations on the local buckling behavior of hybrid I-sections under uniform bending. In proceedings of 13th Pacific Structural Steel Conference, PSSC13, Chengdu, China.
S. Chen, J-Z. Liu, T.-M. Chan, Local buckling design for hybrid steel I-girders. In proceedings of 9th International Conference on THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES. ICTWS2023, Sydney, Australia.
J-Z. Liu, H. Fang, T-M. Chan, Cross-sectional behaviour of cold-formed high strength steel irregular hexagonal hollow section stub columns. CNERC Annual Technical Symposium 2022, 26 August 2022, Hong Kong.
J-Z. Liu, H. Fang, T-M. Chan, Cross-sectional behaviour of cold-formed high strength steel irregular octagonal hollow sections. The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures. ICASS 2020, Chengdu.
J-Z. Liu, Q. Liu, Y. Feng, Structural behavior of self-drilling screws applied in steel structures of prefabricated buildings. IOP conference series: earth and environmental science. 267 (2019) 052030. Guangzhou.
Q. Liu, J-Z. Liu, “People, Land, and Money” Collaborative Flow System of a New Urbanization Construction: New Thinking Based on the Supply-Side Structural Reform. ICCREM 2017” Real Estate and Urbanization-proceedings of the International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management 2017 (131861). 306-317, Guangzhou.
邀请会议报告 (Invited speakers)
J-Z. Liu, S. Chen, T.-M. Chan, The 4th International Conference of Young Scholars in Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention and Reduction, Hong Kong, China. 第四届土木工程防灾减灾青年学者学术会议,香港理工大学,香港,中国
J-Z. Liu, J. Guo, S. Li, T.-M. Chan, The 18th International Symposium on Tubular Structures. TsingHua, Beijing, China. 第18届国际管结构会议,清华大学,北京,中国
J-Z. Liu, S. Chen, T.-M. Chan, The 13th Pacific Structural Steel Conference, Chengdu, China. 第十三届太平洋钢结构国际会议,成都,中国
S. Chen, J-Z. Liu, T.-M. Chan,The 9th International Conference on thin-walled structures .University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.第九届国际薄壁结构会议,悉尼大学,悉尼,澳大利亚
专利 (Patents)
获奖情况 (Honors and awards)
Young Researcher Award, Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction (Hong Kong Branch) – CNERC Annual Technical Symposium 2022, 26 August 2022.
青年学者奖,国家钢结构研究中心 (香港分中心)
Ph.D. studentship香港博士全额奖学金
学术兼职与社会服务 (Academic services and other society services)
美国ASCE土木工程协会会员、英国结构工程师协会ICE会员(Student Membership)、多本SCI期刊特邀审稿人,部分列出如下:
《Thin-Walled Structures》,Elesvier,审稿人
《Engineering Structures》,Elesvier,审稿人
《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》, Elesvier,审稿人
《Advances in Structural engineering》,SAGE, 审稿人
《Advanced Steel Construction-An International Journal》,HKISC,审稿人
作为主要编写人参与国际标准化组织(ISO)的两本规范ISO 14346: Static design procedure for welded hollow-section joints 和ISO14347: Fatigue — Design procedure for welded hollow-section joints 的编写工作
其他成果 (Participate in politics and deliberation)
网站 (Website)
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57391776400
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jun-Zhi-Liu
招聘信息 (Recruitment)