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发布时间:2021-09-09     浏览量:


  1. 姓名:刘凯

  2. 邮箱:liukai@bnu.edu.cn

  3. 职称:教授

  4. 通讯地址:北京市海淀区新街口外大街19

  5. 邮编:100875

  6. 教育经历

  7. 比利时鲁汶大学 博士

  8. 工作经历

  9. 2022/07-, 伟德betvlctor体育官网,教授

  10. 2014/09-2022/07, 伟德betvlctor体育官网,副教授

  11. 2014/01-2014/09, 伟德betvlctor体育官网,讲师

  12. 2010/12-2013/02, 鲁汶大学,博士后/研究助理,协助教学科研工作

  13. 研究方向:城市与基础设施安全

  14. 承担课程

  15. 《防灾减灾工程学》

  16. 《安全科学实习-野外调查》

  17. 《安全科学实习-室内试验》

  18. 《国家安全导论》

  19. 科研项目


  1.   中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司委托项目,“一带一路”沿线气候与地质环境调研分析,2021-03至2021-08,结题,主持

      北京市财政局项目,冬奥会自然灾害综合风险评估方法研究子课题,PXM2020_178215_000001,北京城市基础设施自然灾害-技术事故分析, 2020-012020-12,结题,主持

  2.   科技部,十三五国家重点研发计划多灾种重大自然灾害综合风险评估与防范技术研究子课题,2018YFC1508802,多灾种重大自然灾害基础设施网络脆弱性与恢复力评估技术,2018-122021-12,结题,主持

  3.   科技部,十三五国家重点研发计划重大自然灾害评估、救助与恢复重建技术研究与示范课题,2017YFC1502901,重大自然灾害损失、风险与社会影响评估关键技术研究,2018-012021-12,结题,主持

  4.   国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,41771538,考虑长期气候变化与动力荷载影响下的高铁线路沉降机理研究与风险评估,2018-012021-12,结题,主持

  5.   国家自然科学基金委员会,国际(地区)合作与交流项目,41611530671,气候变化下极端降雨导致铁路轨道-路基沉降风险评估,2017-012018-12,结题,主持

  6.   联合国发展署/英国国际发展部,Development, testing, demonstration and training of better-built procedures and retrofit techniques for non-engineered housing in urban and rural areas of the Himalayan belt2016-012017-12, 结题,参加

  7.   应急管理部国家减灾中心,年度自然灾害综合风险评估方法与特别重大自然灾害损失综合评估参数/标准库研究,2015-032015-10,结题,参加,项目骨干

  8.   国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,41401601,降雨渗流与列车动力荷载耦合用下路基的滑坡易损性建模及风险评估,2015-012017-12,结题,主持

  9.   北京市自然科学基金北京市科学技术研究院联合资助项目,L150005,交通荷载作用下埋地管道的疲劳破坏分析与物理脆弱性评估,2015-012017-12,结题,主持

  10.   伟德betvlctor体育官网,青年教师基金项目,多灾种自然灾害综合风险评估初探-以铁路运输为例,2015-012016-12,结题,主持

  11.   科技部,全球变化973项目,2012CB955400,全球变化与环境风险关系及其适应性范式研究,2012-012016-08,结题,参加

  12.   欧盟,Fatigue damage control and assessment for road and railways bridgesRFSR-CT-2009-000272009-072012-06,结题,参加,项目骨干

  13.   西班牙交通部,Low cost bridge health monitoring system by ambient vibrations using wireless sensorsP8/08 (HLX-C0263)2009-012012-12,结题,参加,项目骨干

  14.   欧盟,Design for optimal life cycle costs (LCC) of high-speed railway bridges by enhanced monitoring systemsRFSR-CT-2006-000322006-072009-06,结题,参加,项目骨干

  15. 学术兼职

  16. 北京市应急管理局专家

  17. 公共安全科学技术学会风险评估专业工作委员会秘书

  18. 中国城市安全与防灾规划学术委员会委员

  19. 代表论文

  20. Weihua Zhu, Kai Liu*, Ming Wang, Sadhana Nirandjan & Elco E. Koks . Improved assessment of rainfall-induced railway infrastructure risk in China using empirical data. Natural Hazards. 2023, 115:1525–1548.

  21. Jianxin Zhang; Kai Liu*; Ming Wang; Flood detection using Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) terrestrial water storage and extreme precipitation data, Earth System & Science Data, 2022, 15: 521–540. (SCI)

  22. Qianzhi Wang, KaiLiu*, XiaoyongNi, MingWang; Extreme climate change and contemporary analogs for cities in mainland China in a 2.0° C warmer climate, Climate Services, 2022, 30: 100348. (SCI)

  23. Bohao Li, Kai Liu*, Ming Wang, Qian He, Ziyu Jiang, Weihua Zhu, Ningning Qiao. Global Dynamic Rainfall-Induced Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning. Remote Sensing, 14, 5795.

  24. Weihua Zhu; Kai Liu*; Ming Wang, P.J. Ward, Elco Koks; System vulnerability to flood events and risk assessment of railway systems based on national and river basin scales in China, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 2022, 22: 1519–1540. (SCI)

  25. Kai Liu, Jianxin Zhang; Ming Wang; Drivers of Groundwater Change in China and Future Projections. Remote Sensing.

  26. Jiatong Zhu; Kai Liu*; Ming Wang; Wei Xu; Mengting Liu; Jianchun Zheng; An empirical approach for developing functions for the vulnerability of roads to tropical cyclones, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,2021,102:103136. (SCI)

  27. Kai Liu; Ming Wang; Tianjun Zhou; Increasing costs to Chinese railway infrastructure by extreme precipitation in a warmer world, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,2021,93:102797. (SCI)

  28. Qianzhi Wang, Kai Liu*, Ming Wang & Elco E. Koks. A River Flood and Earthquake Risk Assessment of Railway Assets along the Belt and Road. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2021. (SCI)

  29. Kaiwen Li, Kai Liu*, Ming Wang. Robustness of the Chinese power grid to cascading failures under attack and defense strategies. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 2021, 100432. (SCI)

  30. Liu K, Zhu J, Wang M. An event-based probabilistic model of disruption risk to urban metro networks[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2021, 147: 93-105. (SCI)

  31. Weihua Zhu, Kai Liu*, Ming Wang, Elco E. Koks. Seismic Risk Assessment of the Railway Network of China’s Mainland. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2020, 11:452–465. (SCI)

  32. Jianxin Zhang; Kai Liu*; Ming Wang; Downscaling Groundwater Storage Data in China to a 1-km Resolution Using Machine Learning Methods. Remote Sens. 2021, 13(3), 523. (SCI)

  33. Jianxin Zhang; Kai Liu*; Ming Wang; Seasonal and interannual variations in China's groundwater based on GRACE data and multisource hydrological models, Remote Sensing, 2020, 12: 1-19. (SCI)

  34. Jing Zhao; Kai Liu*; Ming Wang; Exposure analysis of Chinese railways to multihazards based on datasets from 2000 to 2016, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2020, 11: 272-287. (SCI)

  35. Wang, Ming; Liu, Kai*; Lu, Hongfei; Shrestha, Hima; Guragain, Ramesh;Pan, Wen; Yang, Xiaodong; Increasing the lateral capacity of dry joint flat-stone masonry structures using inexpensive retrofitting techniques , Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 17(1): 391-411. (SCI)

  36. Wang, Yaan; Wang, Ming*; Liu, Kai*; Experimental study of the Seismic Performance of Different Earth Walls and Their Seismic Retrofitting with Externally Bonded Fibers , Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 11: 1-23. (SCI)

  37. Wang, Ming; Liu, Kai*; Guragain, Ramesh; Shrestha, Hima; Ma, Xiaowei; Shake table tests on the two-storey dry-joint stone masonry structures reinforced with timber laces and steel wires, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 17(4): 2199-2218. (SCI)

  38. Kai Liu; Xiaoyong Yan; Current-flow efficiency of networks, Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2018, 492: 463-471. (SCI)

  39. Kai Liu; Ming Wang; Yinxue Cao; Weihua Zhu; Guiling Yang; Susceptibility of existing and planned Chinese railway system subjected to rainfall-induced multi-hazards, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, 117: 214-226. (SCI)

  40. Kai Liu; Wang Ming; Yinxu Cao; Weihua Zhu; Jinshan Wu; Xiaoyong Yan; A Comprehensive Risk Analysis of Transportation Networks Affected by Rainfall-Induced Multihazards, Risk Analysis, 2018, 0: 1-16. (SCI)

  41. Kai Liu; Ming Wang; Yaan Wang; Seismic retrofitting of rural rammed earth buildings using externally bonded fibers, Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 100: 91-101. (SCI)

  42. Kai Liu; Ming Wang; Weihua Zhu; Jinshan Wu; Xiaoyong Yan; Vulnerability analysis of an urban gas pipeline network considering pipeline-road dependency, International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 2018, 23: 79-89. (SCI)

  43. Weihua Zhu; Kai Liu*; Ming Wang; Xiaoyong Yan; Enhancing robustness of metro networks using strategic defense , Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its  Applications, 2018, 503: 0-1081–1091. (SCI)

  44. Ming Wang; Kai Liu*; Hongfei Lu; Hima Shrestha; Ramesh Guragain; Wen Pan; Xiaodong Yang; In-plane cyclic tests of seismic retrofits of rubble-stone masonry walls, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 16(5): 1941-1959. (SCI)

  45. Ming Wang; Kai Liu*; Guiling Yang; Jun Xie; Three-dimensional Slope Stability Analysis Using Laser Scanning and Numerical Simulation, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2017, 8: 997-1011. (SCI)

  46. Liu, K.*; Zhang, N.; Xia, H.; De Roeck, G.; A comparison of different solution algorithms for the numerical analysis of vehicle-bridge interaction, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2014, 14(2):0-1350065. (SCI)

  47. Liu, Kai*; Lombaert, Geert; De Roeck, Guido; Dynamic Analysis of Multispan Viaducts with Weak Coupling between Adjacent Spans , Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2014, 19(1): 83-90. (SCI)

  48. Liu, K.*; Zhou, H.; Shi, G.; Wang, Y. Q.; Shi, Y. J.; De Roeck, G.; Fatigue assessment of a composite railway bridge for high speed trains. Part II: Conditions for which a dynamic analysis is needed , Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2013, 82: 246-254. (SCI)

  49. K. Liu*; E. Reynders; G. De Roeck; G. Lombaert; Experimental and numerical analysis of a composite bridge for high speed trains, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2009, 320: 201-220. (SCI)

  50. Liu, K.*; De Roeck, G.; Lombaert, G.; The effect of dynamic train-bridge interaction on the bridge response during a train passage, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2009, 325(1-2): 240-251. (SCI)

  51. K.Liu*; G.De Roeck; Parametric study and fatigue life-cycle design of shear studsin composite bridges, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2009, 65: 1105-1111. (SCI)

  52. K.Liu*; G.De Roeck; Damage detection of shear connectors in composite bridges, Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal, 2009, 8:345-356. (SCI)

  53. Liu K, De Roeck G, Lombaert G. The effect of dynamic train–bridge interaction on the bridge response during a train passage[J]. Journal of sound and vibration, 2009, 325(1-2): 240-251.(SCI)

  54. 奖励荣誉

  55. 公共安全科学技术学会首届青年科技奖(公共安全科学技术学会,2021)

  56. 北京市自然科学基金优秀青年人才(北京市自然科学基金委,2017)

  57. 北京市应急管理领域青年学科带头人(北京市应急管理局、市人力社保局和市教委,2019)

  58. 北京市教书育人特级教师(北京市教工委,2021)

  59. 北京市高校最美课堂一等奖(北京市教工委,2021)

  60. 尼泊尔国家政府嘉奖(尼泊尔国家灾后重建部,2018)

  61. 全国科普讲解大赛优秀奖(科技部,2019)

  62. 北京高校第十一届青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖、最佳现场演示奖、最受员工欢迎奖(北京市工会,2019)

  63. 伟德betvlctor体育官网彭年杰出青年教师(2020)

  64. 伟德betvlctor体育官网教学基本功比赛研究生理工组一等奖第一名,最受员工欢迎奖(2018)

  65. 伟德betvlctor体育官网“优质研究生课程”、首批“课程思政建设优秀课程”(2020)

  66. 伟德betvlctor体育官网优秀辅导员、深度辅导先进个人、入围校十佳辅导员评选(2016)

  67. 伟德betvlctor体育官网地理科学学部第二届最受员工欢迎课程教师(2021)

  68. 国家优秀自费职工奖(2009)